What started out as your typical 1400m at Grafton on Thursday quickly turned into a spectacle that proved to be no match for racecaller Anthony Collins.
Shortly after the start of the race conditions at the track took a turn for the worse with a massive storm hitting the course. With visibility on track minimal the footage showed nothing more than a blur of horses in the distance.
Collins call didn’t end their with the young professional taking to Twitter to credit the riders following the hectic race.
Solid effort from race caller @AntCollinsRace (and the jockeys) as storm hit Grafton today! @racing_nsw
— Sky Racing (@SkyRacingAU) September 17, 2015
Thanks to all on kind words today. True credit to the riders, not the Racecaller. #justdoingmyjob #carlziessnumberonechoiceforracecallers
— Anthony Collins (@AntCollinsRace) September 17, 2015